Two recent news stories have garnered my attention: The confirmation of of the hypothesis that there is water on Mars (and hence the potential for life) The report that Earth like planets should be quite common in the universe All I can say about that is: YeeHa!
Life on the Frontier
Aug 8th, 2008
Dark Matter Trails
Aug 24th, 2008
Using a powerful computer model, researchers discovered clumps and streams (trails even) of Dark Matter winding their way through the Milky Way.
It's always science fiction…
Aug 27th, 2008
In technological terms we have the interstellar equivalent of canoes (I’m being kind with that comparison, it’s probably closer to the level of kick boards). We haven’t even left the kiddie pool, and yet Rocket Scientists Say We’ll Never Reach the Stars. Yes, I understand that it will take a phenomenal amount of energy to […]
Bang, zoom, straight to the moon!
Sep 12th, 2008
Is anyone else slightly saddened that we haven’t been back lately? We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon… we choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve […]
Was the ‘Cowboy Universe’ Discovered?
Nov 17th, 2009
FRY: Far out! So, there’s an infinite number of parallel universes? FARNSWORTH: No, just the two. An article appeared on New Scientist today: Mystery ‘dark flow’ extends towards edge of universe. Some scientists speculate that we may have a neighborverse.
High Frontiers
Nov 27th, 2009
For anyone who is at all interested in writing “Hard Science Fiction Space Travel stories” I highly recommend reading the blog of Charles Stross. I’m not saying that he’s right that people will never travel among the stars, I’m just saying that he brings up valid objections to space travel that should be addressed. Specifically […]
I ♥ Space Miners
Nov 20th, 2020
Asteroid Mining & Orbital Settlements